Algorithms and data structures

6 czerwca 2016

Field of study: Computer science


Assessment methods: Exam

Item number
Contents of the Education
Amount of hours
1 Organizational classes, conditions of the credit
2 Introduction to algorithm. Ownership correctly developed algorithm. Flowchart building blocks. Tower of Hanoi.
3 Graph mining methods Breadth-first search, Depth- first search Algorithms in Data Mining.
4 Sorting algorithms. Stable and unstable, classification. Bucket sort on the words and numbers. Comb sort and Merge sort.
5 Graph Theory. Optimization algorithms graph. Euler and Hamiltonian cycles.
6 Dynamic structures. Trees, list, queue, stack.
7 Binary Trees. Reverse Polish Notation.
8 Page Rank – PR. Hubs & Authorities – HITS
9 Algorithms for NIP, PESEL, ID. Travelling salesman problem
10 Genetic algorithms.


Exam 0 – 11.01.2022 /13.01.2022 (For 1st year of study)

Exam I – 18.01.2022/20.01.2022 (For 1st year of study)

Exam II – 25.01.2022/27.01.2022 (For 1st year of study)



Item number
Contents of the Education
Amount of hours
1 Organizational classes, conditions of the credit
2 Exercises with design flowcharts of algorithms, representation of basic math problems, calculating the arithmetic mean, Horner scheme. Fibonacci sequence.
3 Exploration of graphs – Methods DFS and BFS – practical exercises. Designing flowcharts above methods and saves it as a high-level language code.
4 Sort of numerical values – by inserting, selecting, bubble. Design flowcharts for the above-mentioned algorithms.
5 Sort of numerical values – fast – qiucksort. Sieve of Eratosthenes. Designing flowchart for the above algorithms and saves it as a high-level language code.
6 Graph optimization algorithms: Dijkstra, Floyd-Warshall, Ford-Bellman. Matrices by weight of edge. Tables calculations.
7 Test 1 – 15.11.2021 (For 2nd year of study) /25.11.2021  (For 1st year of study) 

Improvement tests 1 – 10.01.2022 (For 2nd year of study) /20.01.2022  (For 1st year of study)

8 Data Structures: RPN for example: stack, queue – the structure, the list unidirectional, bidirectional – structure, trees – describing properties, methods to view binary trees. Representation of algebraic expressions for binary trees.
9 Web mining algorithms: Page Rank, Hubs & Authorities – Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search. Generating a square matrices for the purpose algorithms.
10 Algorithms for creating identification number: VAT, social security (pesel in polish), ID.
11 Exercises in designing solutions to algorithmic problems (a list of steps, pseudo code) based on interesting examples of mathematical-logical.
12 Test 2 – 13.12.2021 (For 2nd year of study) /13.01.2022 (For 1st year of study) 

Improvement tests 2 – 17.01.2022 (For 2nd year of study) /27.01.2022 (For 1st year of study)

Entries for USOS/index: 24.01.2022 (For 2nd year of study) /27.01.2022 (For 1st year of study).



[1] Aho, A. V., Hopcroft, J. E., Ullman, J. D., The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms

[2] Sedgewick R., Algorithms in C

[3] Wirth N., Algorithms Data Structures = Programs

[4] Cormen T.H., Leiserson C.E., Rivest R.L., Introduction to Algorithms

[5] Knuth D E. The art of computer programming. Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Organisational remarks:

1. An exam is scheduled at the end of series of lectures.
2. Assessment of the lectures will take place in writing. Only three approaches to pass the lectures are possible. Positive evaluations cannot be corrected (however there are some exceptions permitted).
3. In urgent cases, it is possibile to contact with me via e-mail. The e-mail should be signed.
4. After an assignment each student has the possibility to look through his or her exam during consultations.
5. A student loses chance to pass the course in case of  absence on the final test.
6. Please monitor this page just before classes, because in case of any rearrangements of lectures, a brief information on this topic will appear here.