Membership in expert teams

1 marca 2021

Expert of the Information Processing Center of the National Research Institute (OPI), since 2014.

Expert of the European Commission (KE) since 2014.

Expert of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria, since 2021.

Expert of the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR), since 2016.

Expert of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), since 2021.

Expert of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), since 2021.

Expert of the National Agency for International Exchange (NAWA) of Poland, since 2021.

Expert of the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEPPUS) of Austria, since 2022.

Expert of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, since 2023.

Expert of the The M-ERA.NET consortium, Austria, since 2023.

Expert of the Łukasiewicz Center, Poland, since 2023.

Expert of the Wrocław Research Center EIT +, 2011.

Member of the Habilitation & Doctoral Committees:

1. Reviewer of the Habilitation thesis – Wojciech Stecz, PhD. Eng. – Faculty of Cybernetics, Military University of Technology in Warsaw, 2022

2. Secretary of the Habilitation Committee – Daria Wotzka, PhD. Eng. – Opole University of Technology, 2022-2023

3. Chairman of the Doctoral Committee – Patryk Szywalski, MSc Eng. – Opole University of Technology, 2022- 2023

4. Member of the Doctoral Committee – Adam Łysiak, MSc Eng. – Opole University of Technology, 2023- 2024

5. Member of the Doctoral Committee – Krzysztof Smykała, MSc Eng. – Opole University of Technology, 2023- 2024

6. Member of the Doctoral Student Mid-Term Evaluation Committee – Damian Igancy, MSc Eng. – Opole University of Technology, 2024

Selected expert teams:

Member of the Committee assessing applications within the CEEPUS academic networks, 2024, Ordering: National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA, Number of reviewed applications: 19

Member of the Team assessing applications for FENG – Smart Path – SME sector. Ordering authority: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, 2024, science and development projects, number of project evaluations: 9

Member of the Team assessing applications for POLSKIE POWROTY, The purpose of the Polish Returns NAWA 2023 program is to enable outstanding Polish scientists to return to the country and take up employment in Polish universities, research institutes or research institutes. Ordering authority: National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA, 2023-2024, research projects, number of project evaluations: 3

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the Poland-China Competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2023, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Team assessing applications for FENG – Smart Path – Large companies. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2023, science projects, number of project evaluations: 4

Member of the Team assessing applications for FENG – Smart Path – SME sector. Ordering authority: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, 2023, science projects, number of project evaluations: 46

Member of the Team assessing applications for LIDER XIV. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2023, science projects, number of project evaluations: 10

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the INFOSTRATEG VI competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2023, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Team assessing applications for M-ERA.NET. Ordering authority: FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency, 2023, research projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Committee assessing applications within the CEEPUS academic networks, 2023, Ordering: National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA, Number of reviewed applications: 18

Member of the Team assessing applications for WELCOME TO POLAND. Ordering authority: National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA, 2023, research projects, number of project evaluations: 11

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the GOSPOSTRATEG IX competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2023, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Team assessing applications for research funding under the competition: INNOGLOBO. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2023, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 1

Member of the Team assessing applications for research funding under the competition: EUREKA. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2022, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 1

Member of the Team assessing applications for INNOWACJE CYFROWE. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2022, R&D projects, number of project evaluations: 9

Member of the Team assessing applications for POLSKIE POWROTY, The purpose of the Polish Returns NAWA 2022 program is to enable outstanding Polish scientists to return to the country and take up employment in Polish universities, research institutes or research institutes. Ordering authority: National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA, 2022, research projects, number of project evaluations: 2

Member of the Team assessing applications for LIDER XIII. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2022, science projects, number of project evaluations: 14

Auditor of scientific and research projects – R&D. Orders performed at the request of the National Center for Research and Development, Warsaw, number of project evaluations: 7

Member of the Team assessing applications for SZAFIR 4 – Program for national defense and security. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2022, implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 5

Member of the Team assessing applications for Multimedia Youth Education (MeduM). Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2022, implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 3

Member of the Team assessing applications for 2nd competition under the Joint Undertaking NCBR – PKP PLK S.A. consisting in supporting scientific R&D works in the area of railway infrastructure entitled Research and Development in Railway Infrastructure – BRIK. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2022, implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 2

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the 5th Poland-Turkey Competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2022, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the INFOSTRATEG III competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2022, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Committee assessing applications within the CEEPUS academic networks, 2022, Ordering: National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA, Number of reviewed applications: 12

Member of the Team assessing applications for SPINAKER – NAWA. Spinaker is a program aimed at internationalization of Polish institutions of higher education and science. The total allocation for the recruitment is PLN 13,500,000. Ordering authority: National Agency for Academic Exchange, 2022, implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 6

Member of the Team assessing applications for CORNET – COllective Research NETworking – initiative – international network of ministries and funding agencies for specific industries. As part of the CORNET Initiative, competitions for projects implemented in international cooperation are regularly announced, Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2021, implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Team assessing applications for co-financing under the Expert Panel for projects submitted under Sub-measure 1.1.2 Development of startups in Eastern Poland under the Eastern Poland Operational Program. Ordering authority: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, 2021/2022, number of project assessments: 14

Member of the Team assessing applications for funding under the competitions: Wsparcie MSP w obszarze cyfryzacji – Bony na cyfryzację – Intelligent Development Operational Program. Ordering authority: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, 2021/2022, implementation projects, number of project assessments: 54

Member of the Team assessing applications for research funding in the competitions: International Projects. Ordering authority:  Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria, 2021, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Team (including the Lead Expert and Chairman of the panel of experts many times) assessing applications for research funding under the competitions: Szybka Ścieżka dla MSPSzybka Ścieżka dla Dużych przedsiębiorstw. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2018-2020, research and implementation projects, number of project assessments: 87

Member of the Team controlling projects implemented under the Polska Cyfrowa program. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2020, implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 4

A member of the Team (including the Lead Expert many times) assessing protests to applications for research funding under the competitions: Szybka Ścieżka dla MSP, Szybka Ścieżka dla Dużych przedsiębiorstw. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2018-2020, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 13

Member of the Team (including the Lead Expert) assessing protests to applications for research funding under the Mazowsze 2019 competition. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2020, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 3

Member of the Team (including the Lead Expert) evaluating applications for research funding under the TANGO IV competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2020, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Investment Committee assessing applications for research funding as part of the work of the BridgeAlfa investment funds. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2019-2021, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 10

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the 2nd Poland-China Competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2020, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 3

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the 4th Poland-Turkey Competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2020, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 3

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the 7th Poland-Israel Competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2020, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 1

Member of the Team (including Lead Expert and Expert Chairman of the Panel of Experts) assessing applications for research funding under the competition: Mazowsze 2019. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2019, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 6

A member of the Team (including the Lead Expert) evaluating applications for research funding under the competition: Wspólne Przedsięwzięcie z Woj. Łódzkim (2 / 4.1.1 / 2018). Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2018, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 2

Member of the Team (including the Lead Expert) evaluating applications for research funding under the competition: POIR Small Projects. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2017, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 5

Member of the Team (including Lead Expert and Expert Chairman of expert panels) assessing applications for research funding under the competition: GAME INN. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2017, research and implementation projects, assessment in English English, number of project evaluations carried out: 7

Team member (including Lead Expert and Expert Chairman of expert panels) assessing applications for research funding under the competition: INNOMOTO. Commissioning authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2017, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 7

Member of the Team assessing applications for research funding under the competition: Operational Program Innovative Development POIR 2017, Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2017, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 4

Member of the Team evaluating applications for research funding under the STRATEGMED competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2016, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 5

Member of the Team assessing applications for research funding under the competition: EUREKA. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2015, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations performed: 1

Member of the Team assessing applications for funding research in the field of automation and robotics, computer science, bioinformatics and information engineering within the EU funds. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2013-2014, research and implementation projects, number of project evaluations: 5

Preparation of expert opinions on mid-term substantive reports on the implementation of R&D projects under the Innovative Development Operational Program competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2019-2020, number of expert opinions performed: 5

Preparation of expert opinions on mid-term substantive reports on the implementation of R&D projects under the Innovative Development Operational Program competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2019-2020, number of expert opinions performed: 5

Preparation of an expert opinion on a substantive report on the implementation of a R&D project as part of the Operational Program Innovative Development competition. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2020, number of expert opinions performed: 1

Preparation of an expert opinion of the mid-term report on the implementation of the R&D project as part of the GAME INN competition. Ordering authority: National Center for Research and Development, 2018, number of expert opinions: 1

Preparation of expert opinions on applications for changes in the implementation of research and research and development projects. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2017, research and implementation projects, number of expert opinions: 3

Preparation of an expert opinion on a periodic report of a R&D project under the competition: STRATEGMED. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2016, research and implementation projects, number of expert opinions: 1

Preparation of expert opinions on completed R&D projects in the field of automation and robotics, computer science, bioinformatics and information engineering. Ordering authority: The National Center for Research and Development, 2014-2016, research and implementation projects, number of project assessments performed: 7

Member of the team evaluating applications as part of the Wrocław Research Center EIT +, 2011, evaluation of a research project in the field of neuroinformatics, number of reviewed projects: 1